Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Today was one of those days. I started out to replace the headlight bulb and in doing so discovered a tiny little plastic tab that holds retaining clip is broken. I had to fiddle with it for about 15 minutes, trying to get both hands into a space the size of an open mouth. I know my dentist Tim can do it because he has had both hands inside my mouth, I think one of his feet too. I finally got the bulb in and the retaining clip secure. I'll have it checked at the dealer tomorrow, and if warranty, replace, if not I have a fix in mind. The way it should have been.

The scenery leaving Whitehorse on the Hwy 1 was much better then coming in. The road was fast at first, then the frost heaves. I was standing on my pegs for many of the heaves, and some tossed the bike right up slapping my but. A guy on an 1100 RT bottomed out on one. I know which one it was! The road had gullies some 3 to 6 inches deep running across or diagonally across the road. The section between Whitewater and Beaver Creek, about 20 miles was the worse. They were filling in the road with loose gravel. Glad Ken and Dave gave me some dirt experience.

The day was cold and wet all day. I was shivering, why? Because I didn't want to stop and put on my heated gear, moron. Anyway I started having cramps in my neck and shoulder that I still have now. A hot shower helped, but didn't cure it. I rode about 150 miles in rain to include pea sized hail, and a thunderstorm in the mountains. The closest lightening strike I counted was 3 miles away, the loudest, 8 miles away. The hail storm was heavy and hurt. Ping, ping, ping the hail hitting off everything. Even with insulated leather gloves, it hurt the hands. I had a layer about an inch thick laying in my crotch, cold and wet. I tried to get some video of that, but the camera was aimed too high. I pick up Rene' tomorrow in Anchorage, and I really hope there is an improvement in the weather.

I have two videos here, one is a little long and is the ride through Yukon Territory nearing Alaska. It has some scenery, weather, and high winds. The second video is the hail storm and is short. No Joy when both the helmet visor is wet inside and out, and your glasses are also, plus the inside of visor is fogged as well as your glasses. It was like looking through frosted glass. I finally pulled the glasses down on my nose so I had a slit between the helmet top and my glasses to look out.

The mileage is 647 for yesterday, and 533 today for a four day total of 2614, the equivalent of going from Syracuse to Seattle in four days. I have logged 7000 miles on this trip so far.

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