Sunday, July 11, 2010

Today is a rest day and a day to prepare for the ride to the rally. The rally is in Redmond, OR. and runs from Monday for some to Sunday for most. The bike is washed, and the mechanical's checked over, and she is ready to go. Ken and I will be riding with another rider and our start time is not yet determined. The ride is only about 350 miles so with stops I figure about 9 hours. I will not be at the rally tomorrow (I'm not one of the some) but continuing on to Eugene, OR. I have a 6000 mile service scheduled there Tuesday morning. The bike has 5282 on it now (started with 2092) and the ride to Eugene should be about 470 miles. Depending on the time of day, I may take a detour to see a few sites prior to ending the day. I have to check the rear tire and may have to change them in Eugene. I normally hope to get 9000 plus, but the ride across on the super slab (highways) has flatten the tire in the center. Despite my best efforts with the awesome roads out here, I can not wear enough of the sides to even things out. If I think I can get to Anchorage with the tire I get them changed there. I have a tire change scheduled already for Anchorage. We'll see how it plays out.

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