Thursday, July 15, 2010

)n yesterday's ride we ended up at Paulina's Peak Overlook which is about 7300 ft above the sea level. Here are a few photos from that stop.
This picture is what looks like a large caldera. The light gray is lava and it is in a large bowl.

This photo is a view of the Three Sisters. I can see them, and they are closer to my camp site. From our site we have the Sisters, Mt Washington, and Mt Jefferson. They are all snow covered peaks that are really impressive to look at.

A photo of my drop incident. Some say it gives the bike character. This is what can happen when you ride dirt. There is an F800GS like my old one here that really took a dump. I hear he estimates he has $4000 in damage. He wasn't hurt but his bike took a beating. I'll just sand and repaint the crash bar, and figure something out for the two little nicks on the valve covers.

Ken needed a picture of me showing off my handy work.

Ken and Dave at Paulina Peak Lookout, that is the Three Sisters in the background.

Ken and I on Paulina Peak. Now before anybody says anything, I have my riding gloves, cell phone and beenie in my coat pockets.

Today's riding was about 9 miles in the ERC, Experienced Rider Course. That took about 5 hours and it was in a parking lot in full hot sun. I love the sun, but on hot bikes on hot pavement wearing all the protective gear, it takes a little out of you. I hung out here at the rally and checked the vendors out. Tomorrow I plan to head to Crater Lake and then on the way back look for that darn Forest Road 19. I now know it is in Westfir and uses a different name. Should be a good day of riding.

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