Monday, August 16, 2010

A panarama of Crater Lake in Oregon. This is one of the most beautiful places I visited on my adventure. If you can ever get in the area of Crater Lake National Park this is a must palce to visit.
Another view of Crater Lake.

This is another panarama of Crater Lake

I put together some panorama photographs. This one is on the GS ride in Oregon. The moutain peaks in the back ground are the three sisters volcanos. The lake appears to be in a crater, and the photos were taken from the top of some mountain that I have since forgotten the name of. There are a lot of places which the names of them I have forgotten. Next time I will have to write some of this stuff down.


  1. Mark....those pics are absolutely amazing...thanks for sharing!

  2. You are very welcome. The pictures really do not do the scenery justice, but you get the idea.
