Monday, August 22, 2011


I made it home today. The ride was short by comparison, about 400 miles. I took RT 86 through the southern tier. This was a nice route except the road conditions were real bad in parts. The weather was good, although a little windy. My trip was just short of 8200 miles plus a little over 300 on the DRZ 400 dirt bike. I was on the road a little over 31 days. I will post, like last time, more photos and video as I review and process them. The trip to Alaska I was in the rain 15 of 39 days. Some of those days, an all day soaking rain. This trip I might have an hour to an hour and a half total of light to sprinkle rain. Saw a lot of storms, but was able to avoid them or time them so that they were not a factor.

My appreciation goes out to Ken and Carol for their hospitality. To Sandra and Chaz, Ron, and Bob for their hospitality and friendship. To Fred and Judy who had the toughest job, walking Knucklehead (her real name is Lucy) our almost two year old golden retriever twice a day. To my wife Rene' who lets me go on these adventures. More to come.

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