Friday, August 19, 2011

Great visit

Thursday I ended my visit with Ken and CJ. They were such great hosts, but on top of that such great people. I left Boise for Jackson to visit my nephew Greg. The trip over was uneventful, and traffic on the Teton Pass took the fun out of it. I met Greg after work and he had his girlfriend Morgan with him. They make a great couple. We went out to dinner at a nice place, and Morgan paid despite my plea.

I left Jackson, WY a little late and did not get too far before the dark, cold, and Rene's voice in my head telling me I am not to ride at night convinced me to stop short of my goal. Today's ride was just a blast to get to Wall, SD so that I can hit the Bad Lands. I had planned to do some sunset at the park, but the clouds were too thick, and no sun to be seen. I hope the conditions are better in the am, but there is the possibility of rain. We'll see in the morning.

The ride was very windy, and I found myself being tossed around a bit.

Note on the two day dirt riding, we did about 200 miles on those two days. Plans are developing for Alaska and with that a four day ride with camping on the trails in the same area. Ken is doing that in about two weeks, and was hinting for me to stick around for it. But I do have to get home and reacquaint with my family.

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