Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bad Lands

The morning started out very cloudy so the photography was less then inspiring. The clouds cleared up at about 10:00 local and by then the light was high and the rocks were colorless for the most part. I guess we will call this a scouting trip, but as interesting as the area is, I don't find it very photogenic. Maybe that is just me, or maybe I haven't found the non tourist off the beaten path spots for photos. I could only pick two photos for the blog. A big horn sheep, and one of the features. The two videos tend to show the area better. I stayed until about 11:15 before getting on I90 to start east. I ran until 9:00 pm CT before stopping. I didn't get as far as I had hoped. I will try to get up early and get on the road early. I would like to get through Chicago, and Cleveland before the end of the day tomorrow.

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