Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Slow connection

I have made it to Colorado Springs. The ride was a bit on the windy side, but not as bad as I have seen in the past. My fuel mileage is down and I had the bike checked again. It passed all the test with flying colors. The mileage issue may be a combination of weight, the off road style tires, the quarter head wind, heat, going basically up hill, my speed. When I get to Ken's the bike will be un-burdened and I'll see how she does.

The motel I have checked into has very slow internet so I still can not get any video into the blog. Tomorrow I will go do The Garden of the Gods. Hopefully the rain will hold off. An impressive thunderstorm came through right after I checked in. The sky at sundown with the storm just passed through was really cool. Unfortunately I wasn't in a position to get any good photos. Sure wish I was out in a scenic area for that sky. The forecast is for rain tomorrow afternoon, and Thursday. A theme I was quite familiar with last year. I may try to do Pikes Peak if the weather will allow the two to three hour round trip. I would hate to get caught in another storm on a motorcycle up on that mountain!

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