Monday, July 25, 2011

I tried using the long sleeve shirt trick, and it seemed to work well. I started with cold water which was real refreshing, but as the day went on with my water bottles exposed to the sun they got quite warm. Regardless it still worked well enough. I could only get the cooling effect for about 40 minutes, but even then, I didn't get to hot for about another hour. Did about 643 miles today, and have less then 350 to go for Colorado Springs.

There was some type of big incident on I 70 that they closed it all down. That meant a detour for everybody. A couple and I tried to find other routes to re-enter, but it was closed for about 25 miles. The detour was taking 100s of cars to the north then west and south to re-enter. We go information from one of the DOT guys about a nice road that was south and not part of the detour, perfect. We took it and it was a nice ride, with little traffic. I have some video to add to the posts, and one of them shows this ride. It dispels the myth that Kansas is all table top flat. There are no mountains, but it is quite hilly, and the road had some nice curves. More tomorrow as my battery is almost dead.

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